ArtCast casting resin is part of a range of casting resins that are crystal clear, extremely hard epoxy resins perfect for encapsulation and suspensions. It is our hardest cured casting resin, by far, with a 3:1 ratio for slow and a 5:1 ratio for fast. These ratios are considered industrial ratios, which they are, which explains its strength. A Shore D of 85-90 makes ArtCast Slow and Fast ideal for turning on a lathe since they cure extremely hard. With outstanding UV stability, low odour, and ultra-clear clarity, it gives a high gloss finish with very low viscosity.
ArtCast is specially formulated for encapsulation and suspensions. It is not meant for coating, as ArtCast Slow and Fast are very thin in viscosity and will just run off if you used it for coating. Coating can still be achieved with ArtCast with a dam method, to use this method you will need to apply blue painters tape around the edge of the surface you would like to coat, by creating a dam 5-10mm above the surface this will allow to to pour ArtCast at a recommend 1-5mm and allow to cure to a honey like consistency and then remove the painter tape. You will find the will still flow over the edge, giving a nice clean edge. You can also allow ArtCast to fully cure before removing the painters tape if sanding or polishing is planned. ArtCast Casting Resin is thinner in viscosity by nature, and formulated to help penetrate wood and many other objects and it will fill even the smallest gaps and cavities. Casting Resin also allows you to cast thicker layers than most Artistry Coating Systems.
A variety of colourants, including epoxy resin pigment pastes, pigment powders, liquid acrylic and alcohol inks, and even glitter, can be used to add vibrancy to resin castings.
ArtCast Slow Pour Resin
ArtCast Slow is a very low viscosity Epoxy Resin, designed for casting, encapsulation, and other creative applications. This clear, low viscosity casting resin is ideal for various uses, including river tables and furniture, with high scratch and heat resistance. For small castings up to 1000ml in volume, this product provides outstanding hardness and high clarity. Great for earrings, key chains, prototyping, and much more. ArtCast Slow can be used as a very clear casting resin, or can also be tinted with Just Resin Pigment Pastes, Powders, Glitters, and Inks.
Typical Applications consist of:
Filling voids in timber
Small keychains
Jewellery casting
ArtCast Slow is also ideal for creating decorative jewelry.

ArtCast Slow is a Very Low Viscosity Epoxy
Very Low Viscosity, UV Stable, Ultra Clear, Low to No Odour, Super High Strength & Scratch Resistant
Pot Life - Up to 40 mins
Repour at approx. 2 Hours
Touch dry / de-mould at approx. 24 Hours
Depth of pours - approx. 20mm deep. Multiple pours of 20mm deep liquid can be poured to reach the desired pouring depth
Full Cure at approx. 7 days
Mixing Ratio 3:1 by volume for convenience
The product yields castings that are virtually bubble free.
Can be turned on a lathe, sanded & polished
A Faster Curing Resin ArtCast Fast
ArtCast Fast is a very low viscosity Epoxy Resin, designed for casting, encapsulation and other creative applications. It offers outstanding hardness and clarity for small castings up to 200ml. Great for earrings, key chains, prototyping and much more. Just Resin Pigment Pastes, Powders, Glitters and Inks can be used to tint ArtCast Fast.
Typical Applications consist of:
Small castings
Filling small voids in timber
Fast prototyping
Small keychains
Jewellery casting
​ArtCast Fast is also suitable for making prototype models and medium size sculptures.
ArtCast Fast is also A Very Low Viscosity Resin
Very Low Viscosity, UV Stable, Ultra Clear, Low to No Odour, Super High Strength & Scratch Resistant.
ArtCast Fast is an ultra low viscosity epoxy resin.
Pot Life - Up to 20 mins
Repour at approx. 2 Hours
Touch dry / de-mould at approx. 12 Hours
Depth of pours - approx. 10mm deep. Multiple pours of 10mm deep can be poured to reach the desired pouring depth
Full Cure at approx. 7 days
Mixing Ratio 5:1 by volume
Can be turned on a lathe, sanded & polished

ArtCast Application Process
Use a clean calibrated mixing vessel, pour the contents into the container, and mix thoroughly for at least 3-4 minutes, or until both parts are completely combined. No stringy bits are to be seen when mixed together. Scrape sides and bottom of vessel throughout the mixing process. Mix slowly to reduce bubbles from forming. Material can be split into smaller mixing vessels to incorporate colours and pigments. Material can be poured in the chosen design. Air bubble release is enhanced with the use of a hair dryer, heat gun or small butane torch. Hold the heat source approximately 10-15 cm away from the project, and keep moving the device in a sweeping motion across the project. Allow to cool, and gently sweep over the piece again if required within the working time. Remove any dust particles with tweezers, cover and let cure in ideal ambient temperatures between 22 and 25ºC.
Colouring with Pigments
The use of any JR pigment can be used in conjunction with this product.
Pigment pastes <10%
Pigment powders <20%
Inks <10%
Glitters <10%
Considerations When Using ArtCast for Virtually Bubble Free Results
Cure time cannot be altered by adjusting the resin to hardener mix ratio.
Stir the material mixture slowly to reduce air bubbles being created.
Inadequate mixing will lead to curing issues.
Leaving combined epoxy resin in a mixing vessel for a prolonged period can accelerate curing and cause an exothermic reaction.
When the relative humidity exceeds 80%, this may change the full curing time and surface of the un-cured product can absorb moisture and the finish may not appear to be glass-like. We suggest a fully controlled environment if coating in these conditions.
​Following these considerations will help achieve a smooth cast.
Storing ArtCast
Can be kept for greater than 12 months, if kept in original containers, with lids tightly closed. Product to be cast should be stored in a dry dark room/cupboard at temperatures between 15 and 30ºC, and out of direct sunlight. If the materials have been stored at temperatures below 15ºC for a prolonged period, crystallisation may occur, ensuring to condition both parts of material at 25-30ºC to reduce viscosity and assist in air release. Proper storage conditions will ensure the resin yields castings that are bright, tough, and durable.
Safety Considerations When Using ArtCast
Please refer to the Materials Safety Data Sheet before use, and for more information.
Choosing the Right Resin for Your Project
There are many different types of resins available at Just Resin, so it is important to choose the right one for your project. If you are unsure which resin to use, consult with our Project Helper or contact us directly. Once you have determined the appropriate resin for your project, be sure to follow the mixing instructions carefully in order to achieve the best results.
ArtCast Casting Resin Australia Made