How to use Epoxy Casting Resin
If you're looking for a way to create beautiful resin sculpture, then casting resin is a great option. It's easy to use and can be found at most craft stores. With a little practice, you'll be able to create stunning pieces of art that will wow your friends and family. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start creating!
Choosing the best casting resin for the job is an important step, and not all casting resins are created equal. Each has its own unique set of properties that will affect your final piece.
When it comes to choosing the best epoxy resin for casting, there are a few things to consider. The type of project you're working on, the size and complexity of your project, and your budget.
Here are basic steps and casting resin tips, for casting resin projects small to medium.
For this application, we suggest the use of the following casting resin supplies. ArtCast Slow Set for small to medium projects and ArtCast Fast Set for small projects such as jewellery.
The following specifications apply to our ArtCast products.
ArtCast Slow and Fast are casting resins designed to cure extremely hard, with a Shore D of 85-90, which makes it ideal for turning an a lathe.
This epoxy casting resin will give a high gloss finish and is Very Low in Viscosity. With outstanding UV Stability, low in odour and ultra-clear clarity.
ArtCast Slow and Fast can both be turned on a lathe, sanded back, and then polished.
Slow Set has an approximate work time of 30-40mins and is a 3:1 ratio by volume.Re pour at approximately 2hrs, touch dry / de-mould at approximately 24hrs. It is great for small and medium castings such as resin eggs, geode coasters, pyramids and trinket trays. This product is also suitable for filling timber voids, pours can be up to 20mm deep (depending on surface area, and ambient temperature). Should your pour need greater depth, multiple pours can be completed. For deep pours, we suggest to work in a cool environment (under 22 degrees Celsius) And then a final flood coat in between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius - of which is ideal ambient temperature for pouring epoxy resin.​
​Fast Set has an approximate work time of 15-20mins and is a 5:1 ratio by volume.
Re pour at approximately 2hrs, touch dry / de-mould at approximately 12hrs.
Great for small projects such as pen blanks, custom dice sets, creating jewellery like earrings, rings and bangles, doming and much more. We suggest to work in a cool environment (under 22 degrees Celsius) And then a final flood coat in between 22 and 25 degrees - ideal ambient temperature.​
If you are planning to use our RiverPour for larger Casting please click the link for the mixing guide on our Build a Table page.
For further assistance in selecting a product most suitable to your application

How to use our Epoxy Systems to Create a Resin Casting
First time using epoxy casting resin or are you a seasoned pro?
Here is a basic informational guide, from start to finish on how to work with our Casting Epoxy Resin and Artistry Epoxy Systems.
When first receiving your resin kit, there are a few things you will need to get setup and ready to pour.
Resin Art Supplies needed:
Silicone Mat / Drop sheet
PPE - Mask & Safety Glasses if required, please read our SDS before use
Mould release
Baby wipes or alcohol wipes
Heat gun and/or Butane Torch
Now that you have all the resin kit supplies and tools, let's begin!​
Epoxy Casting Resin – The Ultimate Guide for Art Casting
The art of casting has been used for years by artists, potters and sculptors. The way you deep pour epoxy resin allows you to sculpt an object in a mould, which once demoulded, will typically have the exact likeness of the original sculpture or object.
Mould Preparation For Casting
Start by finding a flat even surface, and lay down a Silicone Mat or drop sheet. Ensure the work area is free from dust, solvents and any other hazards. Once your work area is ready, you can now inspect your silicone mould and clean if needed. To prolong the life of your mould, we recommend using a mould release. In general, only a very light spray is needed, although some products may need to be lightly wiped or brushed into the mould with a clean and dry cloth or brush.
Calculate Resin Volume
To work out the amount of mixed resin that is needed for your mould, please click here for our resin calculator, and you will find it under our art board calculator. Tip - If you are using a Silicone Mould purchased from our store, the approximate millilitres required is noted within the product description.
How to Mix Casting Resin
Now that the mould is ready and the volume of resin needed for the pour is calculated, you can now start the mixing process. We recommend using a calibrated mixing cup and make sure the cup is large enough for the total volume of Epoxy Resin and Hardener. We always like to add the hardener first to the container, and the reason for this is the hardener density is lower than resin, so when adding the resin to the hardener, the resin will drop to the bottom of the mixing container, and while that occurs the hardener will coat the resin, and will help it not stick as much to the base and walls of the container, making mixing a lot easier. When mixing you will notice the mixture will go hazy and this is normal, make sure to mix slowly and scrape the sides and bottom around every 40 seconds, continue mixing and scraping the sides and bottom until the mixture becomes clear, uniform and is free of streaks.
Tinting Casting Resin
When it comes to tinting your Casting Resin there are many pigments available. If you are looking to create a transparent tinted casting that resembles stained glass, you may want to checkout our Candy Ink range. The sought after swirl look can be achieved with our Luster Mica Powders or Pastes. When tinting any epoxy resin, we recommend to add a very small amount to start, and increase the pigment loading until you reach the desired tone and opacity. Keeping in mind that you can always add more pigment, however taking some away isn't quite as easy.

Pouring your Casting Resin
Once you have tinted the mixed epoxy and the mould is ready, it's a good idea to place a paddle pop stick or mixing stick into the mould on an angle and pour the epoxy resin very slowly onto the paddle pop stick to fill up the mould. Be careful to not allow the epoxy to drip off and splash, as this aids in minimising air bubbles forming in the casting.
Once the mould is full or at the limit for the epoxy system depth, remove the paddle pop stick and tap the sides of the mould or gently tap the mould onto the work surface. Doing so assists in helping release any trapped air bubbles that may adhere to the mould. You can now give the surface a light torch with a flame torch, remember to have quick sweeping movement around 10cm away, making sure to never stop in any one position, this can be repeated allowing around 3 minutes in-between cycles. Note - moulds can be placed into a pressure pot for casting resin, and cured under pressure.
This will help in giving flawless castings when required. Flawless standard atmospheric pressure casting can still be achieved, when not embedding porous objects or flower castings. When embedding natural items such as flowers, butterflies and leaves, the items must be dry and free of any moisture prior to casting. This can be achieved with the use of our Flower Drying Crystals.
Demoulding Your Epoxy Resin Casting
Allow the resin casting to cure for the recommended time, before demoulding. When demoulding, it's good practise to slowly pull the mould away from the casting, allowing air to be in contact with all surfaces, once this has been achieved, removing the casting from the mould will be a lot easier. Caution - the top edge of the casting may be sharp, so be sure to wear the correct PPE if required.
For more info on our epoxies, project capabilities, and their characteristics, check out our Project Compatibility Chart linked below.
​Frequently Asked Questions about Casting Resin
What is casting resin used for?
Pouring epoxy casting resin is a type of casting resin that is used for clear encapsulation and suspensions. This epoxy casting resin can be tinted with translucent dyes, shimmery mica, and opaque pigments to create different effects. The deep pour resin is poured into a mould and then cured to keep its shape. Casting epoxy resin is commonly used to create crafts, jewellery, sculptures, and memorabilia. Just Resin has developed a type of casting epoxy resin designed for deeper pours, these resin pours specifically require a deep pour epoxy resin for optimal clarity and results. The resin range available of deep pour epoxy resin is easy to work with and provides a high-quality finish. With proper care and preparation, Just Resins deep pour epoxy resin can produce stunning casting results.
What is casting resin?
Casting resin is specially formulated and manufactured for particular applications. Casting Resin is typically low viscous compared to coating epoxy resin or craft resin. Made explicitly for casting works such as moulds, figurines, filling wood, deep pours, and jewellery. Unlike coating resins, casting resin has a thinner consistency and can take a longer time to dry. Casting resin takes a longer processing time, and it can take up to two weeks to cure completely in some projects. As casting resin is thinner in viscosity by nature, this helps in allowing it to penetrate and fill even the tiniest gaps and cavities. Casting Resin allows you to cast thicker layers as compared to artistry coating systems. Colourants such as epoxy pigment pastes, pigment powders, acrylic and alcohol inks, and even glitter can be used to add vibrant colour and effects to your resin casting. Glow in the Dark pigments and Chameleons can also be added to give very desired effects.
What can I make with casting resin?
Casting resin is a type of clear epoxy that is often used for making jewellery, figurines, and other small objects. The process of working with casting resin is similar to that of coating resin, but there are a few key differences. One difference is that casting resin is usually poured into a mould, whereas a coating resin is applied directly to a surface or substrate. This means that casting resin can require more prep work than coating resin, but it also allows for more creativity in terms of depth, shape and design. With deep casting epoxy systems, they typically have a very long curing time as these products are designed to cast in large volumes.
What's the difference between casting resin and epoxy resins?
Casting resin and epoxy coating resins are both popular materials used in various crafting and DIY projects. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are some key differences between the two. One of the main differences is their purpose. Casting resin is specifically designed for creating moulds and castings, while epoxy coating resin is often used for coating surfaces or making small repairs. This difference in purpose also affects their properties and characteristics. In terms of consistency, casting resin tends to be thicker and more viscous than coating resin. This makes it better suited for pouring into moulds without running or dripping out before it hardens. Epoxy resin, on the other hand, has a thinner consistency which allows it to spread easily over surfaces.
Does clear casting resin get hard?
Yes, clear casting resin does get hard. Resin is a liquid material that hardens into a solid form through a chemical process called polymerization. Once the two components of resin, typically a liquid resin and a catalyst or hardener, are mixed together and poured into a mould or onto an object, they begin to react with each other. This reaction causes the molecules in the clear resin to link together and form long chains, creating a strong and durable plastic-like material. The time it takes for clear casting resin to fully cure and become completely hardened can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity levels, and the type of resin being used. However, once cured, the clear casting resin will be solid and able to withstand normal handling without breaking or crumbling.
What epoxy to use for casting?
Use clear casting epoxy resin for your casting projects. This type of epoxy is specially formulated to be self-levelling and bubble-free, making it perfect for creating smooth and clear casts. It also has a longer working time, allowing you to pour larger volumes without worrying about the resin setting too quickly. Clear casting epoxy resin also cures to a high-gloss finish, ensuring that your final product looks professional and polished.
Disclaimer: Before pouring any resin, please make sure you read the product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before use. Outcome can vary depending on weather, humidity, mass and other unforeseen factors. All recommendations are for informational purposes only. Just Resin assumes no responsibility, since the method of application and its use is beyond our control. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure a proper assessment has been carried out. No representation or warranties, either expressed or implied, or merchantability, fitness for purpose or any other nature are made here under with Respect to the product to which this information refers. Not sure where to get your epoxy resin kit, or casting resin Australia? Just Resin online store has all your resin supplies.
Want to learn more? We have more How To guides like How To Build A Resin Table, Create Resin Art, How To Make A Resin Art Cheese Board and also information on What is Pigment Paste For Resin, What Can I Put in Epoxy Resin and The Effects of Humidity on Epoxy. Have any other questions about our products? Please checkout our FAQ Page.
Disclaimer: Before pouring any resin, please make sure you read the product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before use. Outcome can vary depending on weather, humidity, mass and other unforeseen factors. All recommendations are for informational purposes only. Just Resin assumes no responsibility, since the method of application and its use is beyond our control. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure a proper assessment has been carried out. No representation or warranties, either expressed or implied, or merchantability, fitness for purpose or any other nature are made here under with Respect to the product to which this information refers. Not sure where to get your epoxy resin kit, or casting resin Australia? Just Resin online store has all your resin supplies.